Welcome to our website. Whistlewire is a small but select kennel with German Wirehaired Pointers (GWP) and more recently a Norfolk Terrier.  

When breeding our GWPs we aim to produce excellent Gundogs and Family Pets.  All our dogs are bred for superb temperaments, good health, intelligence, good nose and reliability.

Situated on a cattle property in the Somerset Region of South East Queensland, Australia, we only keep a small number of quality dogs, all of which are from the finest imported bloodlines for temperament and behaviour. 

Our dogs are raised in a loving environment and are members of our family first - we breed for quality not quanity.  




All content of this Website is copyright of Whistlewire

Contact Details

Leanne Hall
Somerset Region, Gatton, QLD, Australia
Phone : +61400421125
Email : [email protected]

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